Until the middle of the XXth century, inhabitants of Bénouville were very busy washing the family linens in the town washing-place.

Until the beginning of the 60’s the main washing-place – in a rural setting at the end of the path named “Chemin du Lavoir”, few meters from the Canal – was used and looked after and then abandoned.

The town decided its restoration based on an old post card, unique remain of the original architecture.  During winter and spring 2007, Aire – an association of reinsertion – worked on it. Local enterprises have supported this project by offering some of the supplies. The quality of this restoration has been greeted by all visitors.

The second washing-place was situated at the end of the road named “Chemin de la Fontaine”. Strollers from the “Chemin du Halage”, along the Caen-canal, can now discover stones and bricks recently cleared of undergrowth, only remains of it. Unfortunately there are no archives; so only a setting of the remaining stones and bricks can be made for the development of this patrimony.
